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VogMan Commercial (Printing) License

What is a VogMan Commercial License?

The VogMan commercial license grants holders the rights to print and sell appropriate models found within the Vog Patron Library.

What is the Vog Patron Library?

The Vog Patron Library is a webpage exclusively available to my Patrons which contains many of the models made by yours truly. These are typically only accessible on a Personal Use basis.

Who can have a VogMan Commercial License?

Certain Patrons from my Patreon account are eligible for a license. Upon request, they will be given a unique license number that grants due legitimacy.

How do I get a license?

It starts by becoming a top tier Patron and contacting me. The license will follow shortly after.

What permissions does the license grant?

The VogMan Commercial License grants permission to print and sell any of the models found within the Vog Library that are so marked. There are no restrictions on the number of prints you can sell. No commission is required. If printing and selling online, the seller is requested to include within the description their unique license number so permissions can be checked. For example, “Printed under commercial license VogMan 123XYZ” or similar.

What is NOT included with the license?

The VogMan Commercial License does NOT grant permission to sell the print files (the STLs, etc). Those remain the property of VogMan. Only physical prints can be sold. Any files within the Vog Library marked as “Personal Use Only” are not permitted for print and sale.

How long does a VogMan Commercial License last?

Once you have been granted a VogMan Commercial License and downloaded files from the Vog Library, you are entitled to sell prints from those files in perpetuity. Access to newer models will only be granted to active Patrons, so as long as you maintain your Patronage and have access to the Vog Library, you can print and sell the appropriate models therein.

VogMan’s Rights

Obviously, I (ie VogMan) retain the right to amend the details shown on this page, though these should not impact any transactions already processed. I also reserve the right to terminate access to the Vog Library in the event of this agreement being abused.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions or concerns that are not covered here, please contact me.