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Collaboration Enquiries with VogMan

I like YouTube Collaborations!

I'm generally happy to collaborate with any Channel of any size, but I do have a few stipulations:

  • Your channel must be family friendly (why?)
  • You must deal with other YouTubers and people as a whole in a respectful way (why?)
  • You must have a minimum of 1000 subscribers (why?)
  • You must do something that my subscribers will find informative and entertaining (why?)

If you meet all of the above, then please feel free to contact me using the contact form below. But please remember, I keep myself pretty busy and generally have several things on the go at any time. So sometimes the answer might be, "Yes, but later on", or even, "Sorry, I don't have the time".


And if you're feeling generous... buy me a drink. Donations are always gratefully received.


My Stipulations Explained

What's the deal with these stipulations, you may wonder. Well, if I'm going to promote another Channel, I need to ensure they follow the same sort of standards I set for myself:

Why Family Friendly

Trust me, no one swears like I do. But despite this, I try to keep such things off my Channel. I may make the odd innuendo, but I try to ensure that ANY member of the family can watch any of my videos. If you can't say the same (or more importantly, if I don't think your Channel can say the same), then a collab between us just won't work.

Why Respectful To Others

There's plenty of folks out there that enjoy ridiculing the efforts of others. There's plenty that hate and mock others for a variety of reasons and I strive not to be one of them. Sure I'm not an angel and I may even think a few inappropriate thoughts now and then. But if you can't say something nice or at the very least constructive, then better to say nothing. Leave the hate to the haters.

I may make a few lame jokes at the expense of my wife, or mother-in-law, and many may see this as offensive. The truth of the matter is they both love it and give me far more stick back then I could ever hope to repay. And the love I have for these two, well... you get the idea.

So just be decent and respectful, or collab with someone who isn't.

Why A Minimum of 1000 Subscribers

Many may think me cruel for setting this limit, but 1000 isn't a high number. It may take you months to get there and in many ways that's the whole point. Yes, we all want a shortcut, but we appreciate the destination more when we understand how hard the journey is. So put the effort in yourself. Make plenty of quality videos. Join in with community comments. Reward your subscribers by answering their comments and questions. If this level of effort isn't for you, then frankly YouTube isn't for you either. I want to collaborate with people who want to promote me every bit as much as I want to promote them. That's what it's about - helping each other.

Why Informative and Entertaining

Now this one really should be fairly obvious... if you've nothing entertaining or informative to offer, why would my subscribers want to see it? More so, why should I encourage them to look in the first place. Work out what you want to do. Do it well. Then get in touch with me : )



excellent and enjoyable vid. thanks for sharing.

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